涅槃堂 Nehan-do

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Discover Buddhism at Jōkō Enmanji Temple

Take pictures with Buddha

Creating a world of Nirvana with origami-cranes

The statue symbolizes Buddha passing into Nirvana. All life on earth was sad and the sala-trees nearby faded to a white color. The white trees,resembling white cranes,created a dream-like world. Together we can recreate Nirvana with your crane to honor Buddha.

Touch the footprint of Buddha to receive divine blessings

月王相 Good Relationships

卍花文相 Family Happiness

双魚相 Health and longevity

金剛杵相 Prevent Disasters

宝瓶相 Luck with Money

千幅輪相 Luck on Exams

螺王相 Business Prosperity

梵王頂相 Improve Talents

Touch the spot on Buddha’s foot
and pray for the divine blessing

big map

 Motomachi, Suita City, Osaka Prefecture 28-13

Discover the happiness of Buddhism at Jōkō-Enmanji Temple

Meet Nade Jizō


Leading you to good relationships

Gives you blessings
for success

She will grant you the
courage to overcome tragedy

Touch gently
Then pray to show
your thanks

Main hall

本堂 Hon-dō
The main hall of the temple is dedicated to Kannon, the Goddess of Compassion. It is ordinarily kept hidden from view.

Jizō hall

地蔵堂 Jizo-dō
A hall dedicated to the Jizō who watch over children.

Shugyō Daishi

修行大師 Shugyō-Daishi
Kōbō Daishi, known also as Kūkai and the Great Teacher (774-835), is the symbol of Jōkō Enmanji Temple. He was a prestigious monk pursuing knowledge.

Great bell

鐘楼堂 Shoro-dō
This over 500 year old bell survived being smelted for weapons during World War 2. Ring bell to drive off bad luck.

Purifying Jizo

水かけ地蔵 Mizukake-Jizō
Jizō help the departed leave the cycle of reincarnation within Rokudo (six worlds after death). Pour water over each Jizō with great sincerity.

Hall of Compassion

慈愛堂 Jiai-dō
Jiai-dō is here for you during life’s difficulties. Pray to center one’s self to find peace.

big map

 Motomachi, Suita City, Osaka Prefecture 28-13

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